Hey all, it's hard to miss the fact
that I've not added to the blog in a while.
A LONG while.
There are a three reasons for that. The animation project is one. It's
required an insane amount of time. That on top
of the camps and clinics and practices. More on the animation project soon.
The second reason is that, well, each time I've sat down to write I get started and I
realize gee that sounds familiar because I've written it before.
The blog has always
been about
the philosophy behind the system and my philosophy hasn't changed.
The third reason is that I discovered my web provider has changed the way my site works and I can no longer post
new blogs unless I cough up more money.
SO, that said...
I still believe every player at every level can learn to read, and ultimately they
will HAVE to whether we teach them or not.
I still believe that we make team defense unnecessarily difficult for our
I still believe every team out there is capable
of good, no, GREAT team defense. If they're
not playing good defense it's because we're not teaching them. Unlike where
offense is limited when a team is small, defense holds no such
I still believe that over-all the team defense
information out there is limited and inadequate. There is no reason that there can be two teams reasonably well matched physically
and one can be heads and shoulders above the other in team defense. Both teams have access to the same books and camps and
clinics as we all do. If the conventional approach to team defense is effective, then
I still believe that The BODM Line is the most efficient, effective way there is to teach team defense. At any age,
at any level of play.
So read on. I will not recycle old stuff and try to convince you
new stuff.
If you have questions, send me an e-mail. It may take a day
but I will always answer.
Wow, that
kinda sounded like a blog...