Welcome to Bodmline Volleyball and

Why do we need a “different” defense?
What’s different about The Bodmline?
defenses (man-up, perimeter, rotate, counter-rotate, or something like rover or the russian which are combinations of two
or more of them) as they are commonly taught leave you with a few inherent problems.
There is typically no guideline for a situation other than the high outside set. What about middle attacks, setter
and other second ball attacks, back sets and slides? You (and every other coach out there) now have to fill in those gaps.
You make it up as you go along.
The defense takes you to a spot (or assignment
or area) and you now have to do something individually to play the ball. When you tell your players “that was your ball
and you should have...” the only way they can process it is to remember “when THIS happens I do THAT.” This
leads to literally dozens of possibilities a player needs to remember. Since “the defense” told them where to
go on the court (your spot) and the majority of those possibilities involve going somewhere else to play the ball, if they
don’t go play the ball we tell them “move your feet” and if they go to the wrong spot we say “hold
your position” and on and on. Do you see the conflict?
The Bodmline
is a defensive system that MATCHES the team defense to the individual defense.
more conflicts.
The team defense creates the opportunity for the floor
defenders to be successful. The floor defenders’ individual assignments create the team defense.
No more “was that MY ball?”
more “what you should have done is...”
Your critique on the
floor will no longer be only “what just happened” but will apply the very next time the ball is in play.
What do you
mean by “complete defense”?
Typical defenses show you spots on the floor. Let’s call this
Playing the ball is D
Where are B and C?
What ARE B and C?
to play the ball.
C is the management of that movement so your players work together and are not running into each
other and interfering with one another. C is STRUCTURE.
If B and C are not clearly defined in your defense with
no conflicts then you do not have a complete defense and will have to constantly fill in the gaps, after the play, with “what
you should have done is...” The Bodmline is A, B, C and D in one system. What do you mean "conflict?" In a defensive camp this year the players learning the middle back position were told "you
are to place yourselves between the ten foot line and the back line and between the sidelines. That's your spot, your
responsibility. You don't leave it. You don't go anywhere but there." One of the girls asked "so I'm middle back, right there, and the outside hitter hits a roll-shot
to the corner. Who's ball
is that?" "Well that's your ball." That's a conflict.
The Bodmline is NOT about the formation.
It is about training defense and getting to the formation that matches the situation.
It will LOOK like
Perimeter. It will LOOK like Rotate. It will LOOK like Blue. All at the appropriate times.
If you run Perimeter
and you see a Bodmline Team playing and it looks like they are running Perimeter, do NOT say “I teach that.” Yes
the result of the Bodmline will look like the result you want to get but that does NOT mean you are teaching the same thing.
The BODM Line is team defense for Volleyball. It is not about pre-determined formations. It
is about creating the formation that defensively matches what the bad guys are doing on the other side of the net every time they touch the ball. The offensive possibility on the other side of the net is different with every touch of the ball. The BODM Line puts your players in the matching defense with each touch. It creates movement, it
creates anticipation, and it creates and makes sense of reading for your players. We all want to get to the same place with our defense. We want our players to read, to move, to flow, to anticipate. Formations don't create or encourage those elements, so
those details are left to each coach and player to basically come up with on their own. That means there are about as many ways to get to
that defense we all want as there are players and coaches. What great players do instinctively
is quantifiable and repeatable. The BODM Line gives you that defense. Gives you that movement. Puts your players in the best
positions to read the attacker and play the ball. When the defense gives you these details you do not have to fill in the gaps. Your
players know "that was my ball" and will know what to do on the next play. You
will not have to make it up as you go along.
Where's the free stuff!?! I want the free stuff!! You want
it for free. Ok, I get that. Why don’t I give it to you for nothing?
The Bodmline is a system different from the conventional
way of teaching team defense.
It’s a different way of seeing how team defense actually works.
Giving away little pieces of
it would be like giving you one ingredient in a cake recipe. Yeah, it’s an important ingredient but
without the context of the entire recipe it’s not all that useful. It would be a disservice to you and your players.
If you actually have to pay for it you are a lot
more likely to invest yourself into it and
benefit from it.
So no, no
free stuff here.
Get your copy of Team Defense - The BODM Line
The most complete manual on team
defense for volleyball available. Cost is $39.95 plus $4.95 for shipping.
Why the price difference? Why is the Manual $40 and the CD with the manual
and the extras only $20?
It’s a matter
of my time and production effort, as simple as that. The pdf of the manual on the CD has all the same information as
the printed hard copy. You can’t copy it or print it (if you have need to copy or print it let me know and we’ll
work something out). All I have to do is burn the CD and send it out. When you order a hard copy of the manual I print it
and bind it, then I package it and take it to the post office and mail it priority mail. So it costs me more in time and
materials. A hard copy for $40 plus shipping also includes The Animation Project and there’s more immediately applicable
and usable information there than you will get ANYWHERE for double or triple the price.
If it's so
good, then why so cheap? Because I know you are conditioned to pay a LOT
of money for camps, clinics, books and videos. And how many times did you get back into your gym and realize that it was interesting
information but you really couldn't use it? So now
you are afraid to spend more money and get more of the same old stuff. In different packaging with a different presentation,
but the same old stuff. I get that. Believe me, I get that. The
Bodmline is NOT the same old stuff. You don't have to pay for a $500 - $1200 clinic
to find out. And
the most important - Accessibility In offense, you are guided by the size and abilities of your players. It certainly is easier to have a team of athletic 6 footers.
times have you seen that team of athletic 6 footers and realized they had little or no floor game? "If we can just hang with them at the net, we'll outlast
them with defense." Defense is NOT dependent on that size and athleticism.
If you are 5'1 I can't teach you to be 6'4" and left-handed. But I can teach you to play GREAT defense. EVERYONE can have a great team defense. It does NOT depend on how big you are or how much you're able to spend. As a coach I have a RESPONSIBILITY
to give my players success in their floor game.
NOT to yell at them because they missed a dig. NOT to say "I've taught them everything but they just don't get it." When I clinic college age and older teams the most common comment I get from the players afterward is -
"This is so simple, makes
so much sense, and it works so well. Why didn't
someone teach me this when I was 14?" Everything I taught them is in
The Bodm Line and The Fundamentals of Reading. Personally I want every player to know this stuff. I want every coach to see how easy it really is to teach this stuff. I want coaches to be able
to say "that team beat us because they were
a little bigger, a little faster, a little more experienced
than us" rather than "we just don't get it, we don't care, I've taught them everything and they just gave up, you just can't teach them to read, blah blah blah we better go home and watch this movie or
read that book or listen to that TED talk." Is this kinda
pushy, kinda in-your-face, kinda offensive? Yes. On the defensive side of the game, specifically the floor game, I'm tired hearing what our players "just can't do." I've
been doing this many years and have proven over
and over again what they CAN do, and how to get them there. I have been polite and politically correct, but no more. Are you listening? The gloves have come off, the gauntlet thrown. How much are you
willing to invest?
What’s the difference between The Manual and The Animation Project?
The Manual, Team Defense - The Bodm Line, came first. It’s context and reference
points are from the team view of things, in other words what the team defense is telling the players to do. It speaks from
the perspective of coaches who are used to two things: 1) Formation or spot defense, meaning “when THIS happens, go
THERE ” as is typically described for Perimeter or Rotate or Man-Up and 2) Coaches who are hesitant to take on Reading.
The Manual gets you to the Block Oriented Defense while keeping it in context to the defenses you are already familiar with.
The Animations Project is from the individual defense side of things.
What your floor defenders do together creates the team defense. The animations The Fundamentals of Reading Parts 1 and 2 take
you step by step to the Block Oriented Defense via what the individual defenders are doing. These are for coaches and players
who are comfortable with and ready to create the defense from the reading side of things. The animations (over 75 of them)
are also tools to show your players what they should be looking at and where they should look for it. Rather than put them
on the court and wait for them to figure it out on their own, you can show them so they know what to look for when they step
on the court.
The Team Defense puts the players in optimum position
in relation to each other, in relation to what is happening on the other side of the net, and optimum position to react\respond
to the attacker and play the ball. What the individual defenders are doing puts the players in optimum position in relation
to each other, in relation to what is happening on the other side of the net, and optimum position to react\respond to the
attacker and play the ball, gives them the structure and guidance to play the ball, and creates the the team defense.
The Team Defense and Individual Defense work in concert. The
Team Defense creates the Reading and the Reading creates the Team Defense. They are never in conflict. Is there a learning
curve? Yes! You need to learn some new stuff! Maybe a different way of looking at things. That's what great coaches do!
Or, keep reading...
Are you less than satisfied
with your team defense?
You know another “formation”
isn’t enough but that’s all anyone talks about?
You’ve taught them rotate, the russian, man-up, and perimeter, and they still just “don’t get
You’ve heard other coaches
say things like “I need to recruit some defenders” but you know there's got to be a different answer?
You’ve seen teams with kids who aren’t big stud athletes out-play and out-defend bigger,
stronger teams and you want to know why?
You already KNOW that in order
for ANY “formation defense” to work your players need to learn to READ but virtually none of the books even mention
reading, let alone address how to teach it?
And you're looking for new answers;
after all, that’s probably why you found this site in the first place, right?
What are the four things that MUST happen every time your opponents touch the ball?
Why do Rotate, Counter-Rotate, Perimeter, Man-Up and Man-Deep generally NOT work most of the time and what
is the missing element we're waiting for our players to INSTINCTIVELY figure out before any or all of those defenses become
truly effective?
Why are "You should have been there" and "That was your ball" two of the WORST things you can tell your player
in the heat of battle?
Team Defense
- The BODM Line
is a coaching manual dedicated entirely to Team Defense for Volleyball.
It is the only manual of it’s
kind. It does not waste your time with formations (they aren’t enough) but goes directly to what creates the appropriate
formation for the situation. It is appropriate and effective for all ages, abilities and competitive levels.
It covers what defense is, why it works the way it does, and how to teach it and run it.
It’s written so everyone
can understand it and put it to use.
It is NOT about a formation or what spots to go to. It is about what has to happen in team
defense and how to get there.
This website is your connection the system, the manual, and the coach that created it.
Try The BODM Line for $20.00 including
Order a PROMOTIONAL COPY cd. It contains a read-only pdf of the complete manual AND the supplemental animations. I'll also give you a $10 credit toward a print copy. BONUS! The Promo Copy CD now includes the animations The Fundamentals of Reading Parts 1 and 2. These animations show how I define reading, how the defenders' reads work together on the court, and how those reads create the fundamental defense outlined in The Bodm Line.
The BODM Line
-is a defense- -is a system of teaching defense- and most
important -is a new way of thinking about defense-
For a fast introduction to the
philosophy behind all of this, read The Interview and The Blog.
"Do you run a program or a series of teams? Do you have standard set calls, a standard set of key words and phrases throughout
your program?..." (click to read)
your copy of Team Defense - The BODM Line
The most complete manual on team defense for volleyball available. Cost is $39.95 plus $4.95 for
Did your search terms bring you here?
"Teaching Perimeter defense for Volleyball"
"Man Up defense in volleyball"
"Volleyball Rotate Defense"
"Defensive formations for volleyball"
The formation does not create the defense. The
defense creates the formation.
That formation should match what the bad guys on the other side
of the net are doing.
What they look for and where they look for it is the definition of the
What they look for and how they react to it is what creates movement
and a dynamic, flowing team defense.
The BODM Line is about "what creates the formation" and "what to do within in that formation"
those different formations that we think of as "defenses" try to do the same thing: make someone responsible for the RIGHT
side of the court; make someone responsible for the LEFT side of the court; make someone responsible for the MIDDLE of the
court; and provide TIP COVERAGE. In that respect they are all the same. Where they differ is WHICH PLAYER is responsible for
each assignment and WHEN THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT. And NONE of them address what your players should be doing
within that formation. This leads to a situation where they think "when THIS happens I go THERE, when THAT happens I go HERE, but when something
else happens, well, I don't know WHERE I go."
Proof? How many
times do your players look at you and ask - Was that MY ball?
The BODM Line is a system of team defense for volleyball.
This web site is your connection to this system.
I have been coaching
for 30 years and have coached all kinds of players - all levels of club, high school, college, and adults including
women's professionals. I developed this system because I got tired of hearing "uh coach, was that my ball?",
I got tired of telling my players things that weren't helpful to them, and most of all, I got tired of teaching my players
things that just went against all instincts, my own and theirs! This system has been so successful in my experience
that I look forward to hearing from you so that you (and your players) can experience it as well!
The BODM Line is team defense for Volleyball.
Individual defense and team defense must work together. Too often they conflict. That makes it difficult
for player and coach.
Example: we tell our players they should be in place
when they pass, but when the "in place to pass" doesn't work in the team scheme we tell them to "keep your
feet moving".
Example: Coaches say over and over "our defense will come together when we learn to move together
and read" but our default critique is "go to your spot" or "hold your position".
Line shows you how to eliminate those conflicts between individual defense and team defense.
The BODM Line creates an effective, reliable and repeatable team defense.
Just wanted to thank you for the BODM line manual. I will be honest and say that the actual
defensive content was not new to me. However, and this is what I appreciate so much, the concept of how to teach this to
an individual and a team is amazing. I have struggled with how to teach defense effectively to teams for many years. While
I hate the idea of 'go to your spot on the floor' defense, I have fallen into teaching that out of an inability to express
anything better clearly. Your manual has finally given me the necessary tools to turn my players into true defensive players,
instead of reactionary robots.
Thank You!!
L.A. (16's Club Coach)
you for putting together information that makes sense in relation to volleyball defense and strategy. I came to the game later
as a coach and never really played or had any coaching and what you have produced really appeals to my logical, reason-driven
style of coaching.
made it two the state finals the last two years and I'm fairly confident we can do it again this year, but it will be with
a much more focused and fine-tuned defensive effort.
(High School Coach)
I have known Gary for 9 years and his instruction has proven invaluable to me as both a player
and a coach. His system for defense is simply the best; I have never used another form of defense with my players. It's also great
because it can work for any level of player. Gary explains and demonstrates concepts in a way that's easy to understand and
easy to apply.
Kendra Palmer (club player, NCAA player, club coach)
Formations do NOT create a successful Team Defense.
Great Team Defense, like great Individual Defense, is based on
what you look for and where you look for it
A successful Team Defense WILL create
the appropriate formation for the situation.